Saturday, April 3, 2010

An Actual Conversation

I was arrested by masked vigilantes yesterday. I didn't remember until I checked the camera.



I was just standing there, minding my own business, when my arms were grabbed and pulled behind my back.

Them: You're under arrest!

Me: Hey! You got nothing on me!

Them: You're going to jail!

Me: What'd I do?

Them: You beat a nun!

Me: I... whuh?

Them: And now you'll go to jail forever!

Me: Wait... a nun? What nun? Where...?

Them: *maniacal laughter*

Me: I'm not making masks for you guys anymore.

Them: Ok, you can go.

How four year olds got it in their heads to apprehend nun-assailants I do not know. All I know is it was hilarious. Nice to see they have their priorities in line too.


  1. A nun. Hahaha... Creative little guys!

  2. You are soooo creative! (and so are they)And why in the the world are you beating up nuns? Is it because they represent your good side?;-)
