Thursday, October 29, 2009

caught on film

On second thought, I should've made them vampires instead of ghosts... sucker suckers as it were. But spook pops are fine.

Take one of those big gum-centered suckers, drape a tissue over them and fasten with a rubber band, little bit of marker work and Boo! A spook pop.


For the K4 Halloween party tomorrow.

Tuesday, October 27, 2009

both definitions of batty...

The K4s made Rorschach bats the other day. Some looked more bat-like than others, but both definitions of batty were on display.






Thursday, October 22, 2009

no bone to pick with graveyards

I once dreamed I had a black dog named Gomez who followed me around like a shadow. Today it occurred to me that if I did have a black dog who would submit to such foolishness, I would love to paint him like a skeleton. How creepy/cool would it be to walk around Halloween night with what seemed to be a dog of bones tagging after. I think it would be something like this:

(subject quote is from Samuel Beckett)

Tuesday, October 20, 2009

Keeping Away From Sharp Objects


Halloween fast approaches, but not fast enough when you're three and four. To pass the time, we're making tear critters. Last week, we made the spiders. Today it's ghosts. No scissors required, just paper to tear and a glue stick. No fuss, muss, or bloodshed.

Monday, October 19, 2009

It's Funny Because It's True


The icy wasteland part anyway.Since three other various journals just weren't enough, here is one more. The things I do to avoid what I should be doing. But, with all I have to do, distractions may keep me sane. Er.