Monday, May 28, 2012

Portraits in Crayola.

The kids I work with took to drawing me the other day. The first one is actually what I was wearing that day. I don't know where the Queen of Hearts down there came from, but I love the expression on the last one.
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Photobucket Photobucket
There's some dispute over my coloration, but that may be the available markers more than anything.

Thursday, April 19, 2012

The Eric Carle Project


We read Eric Carle books all week, talked about the illustrations, and painted sheets of paper in different colors. Once the paint was dry, we cut out our shapes to make our zoo critters.


A bird.


A unicorn.


An owl.


A horse.




A peacock.

This was my first real project in the new job and I think they did pretty well with it, being four years old and all.

Thursday, January 19, 2012

Building Tomorrow's Bookworms Today

Here's one of the projects I worked on with the first graders. The whole point was to encourage them to read on their own, so my spiel was about how no matter what they were interested in, there was a book about it. While we waited to go to the library to find one, they got a piece of paper to fold to decorate a book about something they liked.
They came out pretty cute! I like The Werewolf That Lived in the Dark.