Friday, April 30, 2010

Y for Yarn Yaks. Yes.

Letter Y. Y Yes. The Ys have it.

We could've yodeled. We could've yawned. Instead we made paper plate yaks and gave them yarn hair.


Adorable! And then there's these two...


And maybe it's just me, but don't they look a lot like these two?


Wednesday, April 28, 2010

Sometimes the Library Gods smile.

We had been doing a garden unit for two weeks and had read every garden book I could find, so I figured I’d grab something that looked fun for the last Friday and give the little guys some eye candy. They love anything with monsters in it, so I snagged Frog Belly Rat Bone by Timothy Basil Ering


It’s about a boy who lives in a dreary concrete world and wishes to find a treasure more than anything.


When he finds a treasure, he had to create a monster to protect it and names it Frog Belly Rat Bone.




I won’t ruin the ending, but it turns out that this was a gardening book after all. Just an especially cool one. They kids loved it so much I let them make some monsters of their own. I let them use the scrap box and glue sticks. They had to tear the shapes without scissors, so no fuss, no muss, and no whining that it was too hard. I think they came out pretty well. (also note the paper plate fish...)



Monday, April 19, 2010


I'm still jonesing for a movie, but this helps.

Mmm. That's better.

Saturday, April 10, 2010

Nightmare Fuel.

Seriously. Wait til daylight to watch this.

Wish I had.

Monday, April 5, 2010

Definitely to Bee.

Because not to bee is no longer an option.


I've thought of like 15 bee puns since I started typing this and I've decided to spare you. Just look how cute all the little stripey bees are and try not to laugh at the thought of how terrified these poor little arctic children would be if they ever were to see a real one.


We made bees, butterflies, and paper plate fish last week. Because it's spring. Sort of.

Saturday, April 3, 2010

An Actual Conversation

I was arrested by masked vigilantes yesterday. I didn't remember until I checked the camera.



I was just standing there, minding my own business, when my arms were grabbed and pulled behind my back.

Them: You're under arrest!

Me: Hey! You got nothing on me!

Them: You're going to jail!

Me: What'd I do?

Them: You beat a nun!

Me: I... whuh?

Them: And now you'll go to jail forever!

Me: Wait... a nun? What nun? Where...?

Them: *maniacal laughter*

Me: I'm not making masks for you guys anymore.

Them: Ok, you can go.

How four year olds got it in their heads to apprehend nun-assailants I do not know. All I know is it was hilarious. Nice to see they have their priorities in line too.