A box of wood scraps and a hot glue gun can keep 18 four year olds busy for 20 minutes and 13 three year olds busy for a full half an hour. The four year olds built little structures and I hot-glued them together. Only burned myself twice.

With the three year olds, i had to get them started, but pretty soon, they got into it. "Glue this here!" and "It needs a door
here." Good thing I enjoy hot-gluing or I would've felt bossed around.

Cute though, right? Like little pixie houses. Only one kid got burned and I'm declaring it a learning experience. When I say "Don't touch that bubble of glue. It's reallllly hot." and the kid immediately jabs a finger into it, yelps, sticks it into her mouth, burns her lip, yelps again, then looks at me like its my fault? I'm not as sympathetic as I might be. Cuz it's pathetic enough without me.
Next week, we paint them.