Tuesday, November 24, 2009

P is for Pink Pig PuPPet.

His name is Josh D'Pigmalion and he was saved from a weird fate to become the most sought after puppet in the D Wing.


When he was fought over hard enough to threaten his stitches, he got a time out zipped into my jacket. Even that was adorable to the children.

"Aww!" they cooed. "Just like a baby." The letter of the week is P, so why not?

Saturday, November 14, 2009

Can't spell sympathetic without pathetic.

A box of wood scraps and a hot glue gun can keep 18 four year olds busy for 20 minutes and 13 three year olds busy for a full half an hour. The four year olds built little structures and I hot-glued them together. Only burned myself twice.


With the three year olds, i had to get them started, but pretty soon, they got into it. "Glue this here!" and "It needs a door here." Good thing I enjoy hot-gluing or I would've felt bossed around.


Cute though, right? Like little pixie houses. Only one kid got burned and I'm declaring it a learning experience. When I say "Don't touch that bubble of glue. It's reallllly hot." and the kid immediately jabs a finger into it, yelps, sticks it into her mouth, burns her lip, yelps again, then looks at me like its my fault? I'm not as sympathetic as I might be. Cuz it's pathetic enough without me.

Next week, we paint them.

Wednesday, November 11, 2009

Because Hand Turkeys Have Been Done

We made foot turkeys!


How cute is that?


And eye placement means everything. Eyes placed in the toe part of the footprint give it a more startled, 'Dear Turkey-God NOOOO' kind of expression, while ones in the heel look more uncomprehending than horrified, and the when the eyes are placed right in the arch, i makes them look like Igor turkeys which adds a whole level of its own to the festivities. Imagine a turkey pieced together from leftovers and re-animated to stalk the remaining shopping days until Christmas. A Frankenturkey!

Monday, November 2, 2009

Little Stinkers

And a bit of Ick for you. The two cats? They filled up the litterbox. In a NIGHT. I cleaned the box out and went to bed and next day, the cats were sprawled out in their usual lazy puddles.

“Ah,” they seemed to say. “Excellent. You’re awake. We have a little job for you, when you have a moment.”

My nose was way ahead of them.

“Phew!” I said. “Y’all sure are stinky today. I’ll just-WHAAAH!”

There wasn’t any loose litter in the box and two little happenings outside the box. No way just two cats could produce that much in just one night. I think they threw a party and didn’t tell me.

Sunday, November 1, 2009

Five Reasons to Sleep with the Lights On

1. The Headless Horseman
Ok, I was more afraid of him when I was out alone in the woods and trying to get home before dark, but he still reigns as my chief childhood boogieman.

2. Facehuggers
Gah. Little and quick is way scarier than big and menacing. And they attach to your face and lay EGGS down your throat. I used to have nightmares and wake up to find my cat laying on me.

3. The Troll from Cat's Eye.
Again with the crawling up and getting in your face. Between this guy and the facehugger was it any wonder I slept with the covers up over my mouth for years? I was glad to have my cat on my head after watching this one.

4. Kathy Bates in Misery.
I don't care. I had dreams of waking up and seeing her in the doorway.

5. The Nazi werewolves from American Werewolf in London.
I know! It was a dream. But they scared me!