Phew. January was the month of meetings. I’ve been a frantic little hummingbird going to all the meetings in relation to the pipeline they want to put right through our town. The big concern is the ground water because it tends to suffer in operations like this. Then there’s the 300 foot swath they want to cut through the state and I’ll be here all day if I list all the things we’re concerned about.
Money has been a problem this month. It just keeps disappearing! It had me seriously considering salary vs lifestyle, if I have to give up my house or get a new job or just an extra job. I also don’t know if I’ll have my current job for much longer. If they don’t have the numbers by the end of March, I probably won’t be kept on. Stressful!
I also have sheep now. Technically, they aren’t mine, but I’m keeping them until their new field is ready. Two of them are probably preggers. I just hope they don’t have any lambs until they’re safe in their new digs.
I hope February brings me good news.