Tony Diterlizzi has been a favorite illustrator since the Monster Manual and it was his name that caught my eye looking through the library. It was
The Spider and the Fly by Mary Howit. I gave it a quick flip through and it had great pictures and bugs, so I knew the kids would love it. I got it with a few others, and put it in the to-be-read pile. I usually read everything myself before reading it out loud, but the black and white cover stood out amongst the others and got the kids’ attention immediately. They wanted to hear it right then, that day. So I did.

The illustrations are amazing. They are like an old black and white movie from the 30s. There is so much detail in everything from the Spider’s gothic mansion to all the period costumes and all the character’s little bug features.

The poem was fun to read, and the message was clear, even to the little ones: Don’t go off with a stranger just because he talks nice.
The kids could TELL the Spider was up to no good. Even if they didn’t know what spiders do and what they eat, the illustrations show an arachnid monster, smartly dressed and smiling, but all fangs and grasping hands under it. As if that’s not enough, there are poor transparent little ghost bugs, the Spider’s previous victims, trying to warn the little Fly away. The kids agreed with the Fly when she kept putting the Spider off and then were disgusted when she let the flattery entice her inside.
They knew better than that, and she should have too.
I had at least one other teacher warn me about reading it to little kids, dismayed at the unhappy ending. The kids I read it to enjoyed it though. They liked it
because it was spooky and a little macabre and they enjoyed the concept of consequences. The Fly did NOT do what she was supposed to and she got eaten. Pretty harsh punishment, but at least she has the previous ghosts to sympathize.